Portrait image of Jose Quesada

I’m Jose Quesada. I live in Costa Rica, where I make projects turn to life.

I’ve loved making things for as long as I can remember, and wrote my first program when I was a kid. At ninth grade, I build my first game for the science fair at school. I’ve been coding ever since.

I’m passionate about software architecture, cloud computing, and web development. I've work in the industry since I started college and I've been working as a Software and Cloud Architect for the last 10 years.

I've had the opportunity to work with many different technologies and programming languages, but I've always been a fan of the JavaScript ecosystem. I've been working with JavaScript since before I started college and I've been working with it ever since. I started with Node.js since before its first official release and I've been using it every day still. I've also worked with many different front-end frameworks and libraries, but I've always been a fan of React.

I've also been working with cloud computing for the last 10 years. I've been working with AWS since I started college and have had the opportunity to work with many different services and technologies that AWS offers. I've also worked with other cloud providers, like Azure, GCP, Huawei, IBM, Oracle and many others. I really love what you can do now with cloud computing now, I am currently working towards my AWS Ambassador certification and I'm really excited about it.

I've also had the opportunity to work on mobile development, I've worked with Android and iOS, with native development on both platforms and also with React Native. I've also had the opportunity to work with other technologies like IoT, blockchain, and many others languages and frameworks like AngularJS, VueJS, Python, Java, etc. I really love to learn new things and I consider myself as a lifelong learner as I am always researching and taking courses and certifications.

I’m currently working as the leader of the SWAT team at SOIN, where we resolve the most complex issues and provide the best solutions for our clients as quickly as possible. It is a challenge that I enjoy every day as it is always different and always presents new challenges to overcome.

I’m also a father of two, they are my biggest motivation to keep learning and growing as a professional. I want to be able to provide the best for them and I want to be able to teach them everything that I know so they can have a better future. I also want to be able to provide them with the best education and the best opportunities that I can. I want to be able to teach them to be the best version of themselves and to be able to achieve anything that they want to achieve.

On my free time, I love to learn new things, I love to play video games, I love to watch anime, movies and TV shows, I love to travel, and I love to spend time with my family and friends. I've been to Japan, Turkey, Venezuela, and the United States, I hope to be able to travel to many other countries in the future. I love to play golf and I love to play soccer, I've been playing both sports since I was a kid, as my dad is a golf professional and here in Costa Rica soccer is the main sport. I recently started dance classes, and I'm really enjoying it. I've also been taking Japanese lessons, and I love it, I hope to be able to travel to Japan again soon and be able to speak Japanese with the locals. If you have any recommendations for anime, movies or TV shows, or if you want to play golf or soccer, let me know, I would love to hear from you.

This is my personal blog where I share my thoughts and experiences on software development, cloud computing, and other new technologies. I also share my thoughts and experiences on other topics that I'm passionate about. I hope you find something useful here and I hope you enjoy reading my articles as much as I enjoy writing them.


  1. Title
  2. Title
    Advanced - C2
  3. Title
    Beginner - N4


  1. Company
    Principal Technical Lead
  2. Company
    Senior Software Developer
  3. Company
    Software Developer Specialist
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Education & Certifications

  1. Title
    Master's Degree in Computer Science
    University of Costa Rica
  2. Title
    Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science
    University of Costa Rica
  3. Title
    AWS - Certified DevOps Engineer Professional
    Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  4. Title
    AWS - Certified Security Specialty
    Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  5. Title
    CompTIA - Security+
Check all my education & certifications


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